・Medical Affair Business (Contract MSL, MSL Trainings, MA Consulting, etc.)
・Training Business (Practical Skill Training for MR and MSL)
・Compliance Related Business (Promotion Material, Monitoring and Inspection Services, etc.)
Executive Officers
President and Representative Director
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Official Authorizations
MR Certification Center Foundation (Corporate Training Systems and Facilities) Employee Placement Business General Worker Dispatching Business
Parent Company
MedPeer, Inc.
As of October, 2022
The environment surrounding the pharmaceutical industry, especially MR, has been changed drastically in recent years. The sales information provision Guideline has been enforced, and many medical institutions have tightened restrictions on MR visits. Drug price revisions has been repeated, accompanying medical cost cuts are driving reforms in the budget structure of pharmaceutical companies, and the number of MRs has been declining. So isn't MR really needed? No, I personally don't think so. I feel that we have entered an era where the value of MR itself is being questioned. If you look at Europe and the United States, where MR declined before Japan, MR is absolutely necessary. However, what is required of MR is changing.
It is more demanding than ever that how we can continuously contribute to patients who are the ultimate beneficiaries through the medical information that provided by MR. MI Force has started anew in such a rapidly changing environment. We will focus not only on the primary therapeutic area which has been our mainstay until recent years, but also on specialty therapeutic areas such as oncology and rare diseases.
In an aging society, it is now an era when one in two people gets cancer. In the nearly future, local doctors will follow not only lifestyle-related diseases but also cancer patients. When medical needs change to such, what kind of information should MRs provide to HCPs? As the environment changes, so do the needs of HCPs changes. I am thinking that what are the current problems for pharmaceutical companies?, what can we do to them?, how we can provide new services that transcend industry boundaries, etc., including not only actual issues but also potential issues, MI Force would like to actively propose new services to medical and pharmaceutical industries.
We help our customers, and expanding the value of MR, we will continuously contribute to local community medicine and patients. We committed to our motto, "We work hard sincerely for our customers, our employees, but everything we do is for patients."
MI-Force, Inc. President and Representative Director Seishoku Masahara
MI-Force focuses at providing specialized personnel being highly capable of contributing to medical services as well as providing requisite information, and becoming good consultation partner for physicians and pharmacists. Furthermore, we aim to establish business models, not only personnel services, but varied services to meet with diversified needs.
Product launches
Exploring new business opportunities and maintaining existing products